Tag Archives: Recycled Content

Biodegradable Packaging or Recycled Content?

There seems to be an emerging debate over which is a better environmental solution for plastics; is it better to make your product out of recycled content or out of biodegradable material. It seems reminiscent of the old “Paper or Plastic” debate.

Promoters of recycled content site the benefit of using second life petroleum, saved energy costs and increased support of recycling programs. They also claim that biodegradability does not add any value as all plastics should be recycled and made into new products.

On the other side, there are the debaters of biodegradable packaging, who look at the 70% or more of the plastic products that are not recycled and instead are discarded into a landfill. They claim to be using a realistic approach by looking at the reality of our current society and the customary disposal of products. They claim environmental benefit by reduced landfill space and clean energy production.

So what is one to do when determining an environmental packaging solution? Do you protect the earth by reducing our waste footprint with biodegradable packaging, or do you protect the earth by reducing the carbon and petroleum footprint through using recycled content?

In the ENSO world, we say “Why choose when you can have both!” ENSO bottles can be made out of recycled content and have the benefit of biodegradability. So in a sense, you can have your cake and eat it too!


Teresa Clark
ENSO Bottles, LLC
Web: www.ensobottles.com