Tag Archives: Saving Earth

OPERATION: Saving Earth Celebrates 4th Year of Service

OPERATION: Saving Earth will be celebrating its fourth year of serving not only Lackawanna County and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, but also communities nationwide.

Started by, David Scalzo,  a 15 year old Pennsylvanian resident who resides in Scott Township (in Lackawanna County). Back in August of 2006, an idea to start a recycling program in his school led to the launching of a program to help other schools and people locally to go green and help protect our planet. As time passed, David gained the help of Representatives, Senators, and the Governor- and agencies like the DEP, EPA, and ENSO Bottles.

David sent us an  email thanking the entire ENSO company for all their hard work, dedication and commitment to helping others help our planet. David said, “You helped my organization to become strong and helped us achieve so much by allowing us to accomplish a few of our many goals. ”

ENSO Bottles would like thank David for all of his hard work and encourage others to do the same by dropping him a line and thanking him for all of his efforts.

Way to go, David!

Any further correspondence of this matter or letters of congratulations may be made by writing to the following address:

OPERATION: Saving Earth
ATTN: David Scalzo
706 Chapman Lake Rd.
Scott Township, PA 18433

