Tag Archives: biodegradable bottles

So What?


There is no question the biodegradation of traditional plastics is a reality, and YES plastics can now biodegrade in a landfill.  However, as was so eloquently posed to me recently, “SO WHAT!?” We make plastics for every purpose imaginable and when we are done with them, we thoughtlessly toss the plastics in the landfill out of sight, out of mind…but “SO WHAT”!? Does it really matter if those plastics last forever or for just a few years?  “SO WHAT”!?

Let’s look at the past 50 years: We used 7 million tons of plastic in 1960.  We increased that to 196 million tons in 2005 and are expected to exceed 365 million tons in 2015. “SO WHAT”!? We put almost 90% of our plastic waste in our landfills. That equates to over 300 million tons of plastic every year in the landfill. TONS.  Billions of tons filling up our landfills with plastic that will last pretty much forever.  And each of us continues to add TONS more every day.  If that is not enough to make you jump out of your seat and upgrade all of your plastic products to biodegradable…


Let’s look at things from a different view; The ENSO view.


Biodegradable Plastics –

Because we can reduce the volume of our landfills

Because we can build fewer landfills

Because every biodegradable plastic product you use can be converted to clean energy

Because we can choose plastics that work with nature rather than against it

Because your products can create a better world

Because WE created the mess and continue to do so

Because it’s this generation’s responsibility, not our children’s or our grandchildren’s

Because today you have a choice and tomorrow may be too late

Because your customers want it

Because you know it is the right thing to do


“SO WHAT” will you choose?

redleaf Water Partners with ENSO to Produce Industry’s First Biodegradable & Recyclable Water Bottle Hitting Shelves Today

redleaf Water, Canada’s Ultra-Premium bottled water, is now distributing the industry’s first biodegradable and recyclable water bottle. redleaf’s BIO BOTTLES produced by Arizona-based environmental solution provider ENSO Plastics, will biodegrade naturally in aerobic and anaerobic (landfill) conditions and are #1 PET, allowing the bottles to be recycled without requiring any special handling.

Today nearly all water bottles are #1 PET, meaning they can be recycled. Some competitors have recently introduced plant-based plastic bottles. Plant-based plastic bottles can be recycled, but do not biodegrade and do nothing to reduce the quantity of bottles that end up in landfills or the environment. The BIO BOTTLE represents a significant step forward as they can biodegrade naturally or be recycled.

“redleaf’s BIO BOTTLES are a step in the right direction to further reduce the impact empty water bottles have on the environment,” said redleaf COO Dave Hillis. “When we started the company, we made a commitment to aggressively seek alternatives to reduce our impact on the environment, while still providing customers with superior drinking water. We still have work to do, but redleaf’s BIO BOTTLES represent an important step forward in our ongoing mission to provide premium Canadian water in guilt-free bottles.”

ENSO pioneered the bottles from its research facility in Arizona. The company has worked for three years to perfect a bottle that is both #1 PET recyclable and biodegradable. While the process is classified, the results have been validated by Northeast Laboratories, a testing facility certified by the FDA, EPA and the Department of Defense and ISO.

“Our bottle is designed to be placed into the existing recycle streams, but if placed into a landfill or other natural environments, depending on the natures microbial activity, these bottles will disappear within 1-15 years as opposed to 500 for normal #1 PET bottles,” stated NAME AND TITLE. “Simply put these bottles disappear the same way other organic materials do.”

Complementing the release of BIO BOTTLES, redleaf will also launch the “Disappearing Project” in Spring 2011. The project is designed to highlight how BIO BOTTLES disappear in various environmental conditions.

redleaf starts as great water from an artesian aquifer in Chilliwack, British Columbia, and is made even better through a proprietary purification and bottling process. The water’s high oxygen content and high pH of 8.3 have been known to have several health benefits for the drinker, including increased alertness, hydration and stamina – all of which are crucial to athletes and sports fans alike.

Keeping with its efforts to reduce waste and minimize its impact on the environment, redleaf’s production process has a 1:1 bottling ratio. While many competitors have a 6:1 ratio, that means competitors waste five gallons of water for every one gallon they bottle.

About redleaf water
redleaf is North America’s only ultra-premium bottled water. It starts with great water from a naturally renewable source in the Canadian Rockies, and is made better through a state-of-the-art purification and bottling process, that is the industry’s most advanced and the best way to improve on the Earth’s own natural process for making great tasting, healthy water. It is available in locations throughout the Mountain West region of the United States, including more than 100 Albertsons LLC stores.

For more information, please visit redleafwater.com.

Debunking the Myths of the Paper vs. Plastic Debate, Part I

Image by Aeropause

Standing at the grocery store checkout, realizing you forgot your reusable shopping bags, or if you did remember them, you don’t have enough, you’re faced with the decision: paper or plastic? First, you’re momentarily overcome with pangs of guilt; second, the inner dialogue commences. You’re a deer in the headlights, frozen, afraid to make a move.

There’s a lot of confusion surrounding the Great Bag Debate, much of it perpetuated by misinformation, common assumptions, and a whole lot of greenwashing. For years, it was thought that the better choice for the environment was paper, but it turns out that paper and plastic bags are just about equal in pros and cons. They both use resources, cause pollution, and generate many tons of waste that more often than not, ends up in the landfill.

To further complicate the conundrum, there is more than just paper and plastic to consider these days; plastic alternatives, including corn-based PLA, and landfill biodegradable plastics are commonly being used in packaging. As eco-conscious consumers, which bag do we choose, and how can feel good about our choice?

The Resources and Energy Pitfall

Myth #1: Paper is made from a renewable resource, so it must have a lower impact.

The first part of this statement is true, but in fact, paper production deals a double blow when it comes to climate change and environmental impact. First, forests are cut down, removing trees that absorb greenhouse gases and convert it into oxygen (not to mention the other impacts on wildlife and ecosystems in general); in 1999, more than 14 million trees were cut down to produce the 10 billion paper bags consumed in the U.S. alone. Second, manufacturing paper from pulp takes a tremendous amount of energy, and because paper is relatively heavy, it takes a lot of fuel to transport the finished product.

How does this compare with the plastics? Of course, there are impacts associated with the extraction of petroleum (just look at the Gulf), but it turns out that the actual production of plastic bags releases about 92% fewer emissions into the atmosphere than paper bag production, and requires about Plastic bags also weigh significantly less than paper, requiring less fuel to get them from point A to point B.

What About Waste

Myth #2: Paper breaks down in the landfill faster than plastic, so it must be the better choice.

Image by greenismyfavoritecolor.net

It turns out that under standard landfill conditions, paper does not degrade any faster than plastic. Even newspaper can take years to break down; newspapers excavated from one New York landfill were mostly intact after 50 years, and another in Arizona was still readable after 35 years. Indeed, the largest percentage of solid waste in U.S. landfills comes from paper and paperboard products, about 31%.

On the other hand, the new generation of plastics somewhat complicate this debate. PLA, or corn-based, plastics commonly used in disposable cutlery, packaging, and plastic grocery bags is compostable, but only among the perfect conditions found in a commercial composting facility, NOT in the landfill where  most plastic ends up, or even in the backyard compost pile.

Biodegradable plastics, like ENSO’s products, however, do break down in the anaerobic landfill environment in a short amount of time (an average of five years), leaving behind only methane, carbon dioxide, and biomass. The use of an additive in standard plastic production also makes it a cost-effective solution. In terms of the plastic waste problem, the biodegradables currently hold the most promise.

Next week, in Part II, we’ll take a look at the aspects of pollution and recycling, and see how the contenders hold up.

350, 365 Days A Year

Photo courtesy of 350.org

On Sunday, 10-10-10, people in all corners of the world joined together for a Global Work Party to support the grassroots movement known as 350. Thousands of participants in 188 countries worked on more than 7,347 projects to raise awareness about, and take steps toward solving, climate change. By building community gardens to fortify local food systems and planting trees to offset CO2 emissions, to installing solar panels in the Namibian desert, project organizers hoped to send a clear message to world political leaders: “If we can get to work, so can you.”

Why 350?

Scientists and climate experts say that 350 parts per million is the safe upper limit for carbon dioxide in our atmosphere; the number currently hovers around 392 ppm, so it’s become a matter of both reducing emissions to keep the number from creeping upward, and changing behaviors to reduce the amount.

It’s a tall order, no doubt, that requires an overhaul of not only our lifestyles, but our political policies, business practices, and everything in between.

A Little Less Talk, A Lot More Action

It’s not just about 350. Reducing carbon emissions and fighting climate change are at the forefront of a worldwide dialogue, and it’s a long conversation. Add to the docket the related problems of the energy crisis, waste management, petro-laden conventional farming methods, the dwindling supply of fresh water, and the discussion could go on forever.

While having a clear understanding of the issues at hand is important, there is more than a lot of work to do to affect change on the large scale. Let’s hope the Global Work Party and similar events will inspire people and governments across the globe to get moving, and make these activities a part of everyday life. But where do we even begin, and how can the average person make a difference?

Getting to 350

Image courtesy of ENSO Bottles

The most sweeping changes must be mandated at the federal and international levels; policy and environmental impact go hand in hand, so a logical first step is to keep up with the issue and be vocal about it. Tell local and state representatives, congressmen and women, and the President how critical the issue is, then get to work at home, at work, and in your community.

Many of us are already working to reduce our impacts, and efforts like bringing reusable shopping bags to the grocery store, opting for the to-go mug instead of a paper cup, and even driving a hybrid car are a great start. But there are other overlooked steps we can take to further minimize our impacts, and make an even bigger difference.

Reduce environmental impacts at home and in the workplace by:

  • Examining daily habits, including consumption, energy, and waste. Track patterns for one month.We often don’t realize how much we are consuming, and how much goes to waste in a typical month-long period of day-to-day living.
  • Consuming less. Buy only what you need, share when you have extra, and use less water and electricity. You’ll save money, and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide your household contributes to the atmosphere.
  • Investing in alternative, clean energy to power your home. The upfront cost of technologies like solar panels is coming down, and many states offer tax credits and rebates to help offset the initial investment.
  • Understanding that all labels are not created equally. Currently, the onus is on the consumer to know what they’re buying. Just because a product claims to be eco-friendly that it really is; research, and substantiate green claims.
  • Changing the way we look at waste. Whether we recycle or not, all waste eventually ends up in the landfill, and can take thousands of years to degrade–if ever. It’s important to look at the inevitable last phase of the cycle, and factor it in to consumer decision-making. For example, biodegradable packaging, like ENSO Bottles, is a good option because it can be recycled along with other plastics, and completely breaks down in the landfill, often in less than a year’s time.
Paying it Forward

Photo courtesy of 350.org

Get involved with grassroots efforts already underway, like 350.org and other local causes. Once we’ve taken steps in our own lives, raising awareness and educating others is the only way to affect change on a large scale. For our kids, families, neighbors and our friends, set the example, and inspire others to take steps toward healthier living, and a healthier planet.

Langlade Springs natural mineral spring water now available in ENSO bottles

Langlade Springs

Langlade Springs natural mineral spring water now available in the Upper Midwest. Langlade Springs, LLC, is introducing a private label program of natural mineral spring water packaged in ENSO biodegradable bottles.

Learn more at: http://www.langladesprings.com

Native Waters offers biodegradable PET bottles in Massachusetts

Boston, MA (PRWEB) June 3, 2010 — Native Waters, a Massachusetts company that produces locally sourced natural spring water in earth-friendly PET plastic bottles, will now be widely available across Eastern Massachusetts, including Metropolitan Boston, and New Hampshire thanks to a distribution agreement with Great State Beverages of Hooksett, New Hampshire and their subsidiary Blue Coast Beverages of Mattapoisett, Massachusetts.

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ENSO donates bottled water to homeless

Monday, March 1, 2010 at 6:22pm

Rotaract is dedicated to making the world a better place, but might see the world from a slightly different perspective than Rotary. Rotaractors are between the ages of 18 and 30, and are typically very early in their careers. Although still fresh to the professional world, they are future leaders in business, politics and the community. Continue reading

Liquid Promotions goes with ENSO Bottles

Atlanta based, Liquid Promotions, now carries ENSO’s biodegradable bottle. Liquid Promotions can offer your business a wide array of water bottle labels on a classy sleek eco-friendly bottle that contains refreshing spring water from mountains of North Georgia.

Learn more at: http://www.customlabeledbottledwater.com/home