Tag Archives: ENSO Products

rubber gloves

Researchers Unveil New Solution for Rubber Waste

ENSO Plastics’ lead researcher will make a major announcement for latex and rubber waste at this year’s International Latex Conference.

Mesa, AZ — (SBWIRE) — 07/17/2013 — The increasing amount of landfilled rubber and latex waste is an imperative concern for government entities and environmentalists worldwide. Teresa Clark, researcher for ENSO Plastics will be presenting “Advancements in Rubber and Latex Disposal – Biodegradation and the Environment” at this year’s International Latex Conference, July 23-24 in Akron, Ohio.

Revealed at the conference will be the groundbreaking development, ENSO RESTORE™ RL; a revolutionary technology that accelerates the natural biodegradation of synthetic rubber in landfills, as well as an unexpected discovery about natural rubber that may change the entire rubber industry.

Biodegradable plastics have been the big hitter in the past 10 years, with various compostable plastics such as PLA, PHA, Starch, and ENSO RENEW™; as well as products like ENSO RESTORE™ that enhance the biodegradation of traditional plastics. However the rubber industry has produced little technological advancements regarding environmental remediation, until now.

The research break-through that lead to the development of ENSO RESTORE™ RL issues in a new age of rubber, one that focuses on the environmental disposal. ENSO RESTORE™ RL is a unique material that increases the biodegradation of synthetic rubber within natural microbial and municipal landfill environments. Independent laboratory testing shows nitrile treated with ENSO RESTORE™ RL biodegrading 16.9% in the first 20 days compared to Nitrile showing no biodegradation during the same time period. Similar accelerated biodegradation results are seen in polychloroprene, polyurethane and other synthetic materials when treated with ENSO RESTORE™ RL.

As a society it is crucial that we address the huge amount of rubber waste going into landfills. Plastics have traditionally received most of the attention regarding waste with programs such as recycling, biodegradable, compostable and renewable solutions being offered. Unfortunately rubber waste, although just as important, has not received the same attention.

ENSO Plastics™ is committed to addressing the environmental impact of rubber and plastic waste and continues to lead the market with products that solve plastic waste issues with products like ENSO RENEW: A compostable, marine degradable and renewable biopolymer; and ENSO RESTORE: A family of products that accelerate the biodegradation of polyester, polypropylene, polyethylene, PVC, rubber and other materials.

About ENSO Plastics™

ENSO Plastics, LLC is an environmental plastics solutions company with proprietary biodegradable and biobased solutions, bringing to market cost competitive cutting-edge solutions to meet the market demands of sustainability, home or industrial compostability, landfill biodegradability, marine degradability and recyclability.

ENSO Plastics’ mission is to solve the global plastics pollution issue by bringing the best technologies to market, finding solutions with the greatest and most productive impact for the plastics industry and providing answers that can be trusted to integrate seamlessly – a platform that companies can stand behind with confidence.

Learn more about ENSO Plastics technologies visit us at https://ensoplastics.com or call (866) 936-3676 or +00-1-602-639-4228.


BioPlastics Dirty Little Secret

So you know all about bioplastics, Right? You know they are difficult to process, often cause more detriment to the environment than traditional plastics, have limited shelf stability and can be very expensive. But what you may not have known is…..

Nearly every plastic on the market today is a bioplastic! In todays market, when one uses the term “bioplastic” they typically beleive they are refering to a plastic that is sourced from plant materials. What most don’t realize (and many try to avoid admitting) is that most all plastics are made from plant materials!

When I was in elementary school, I had an amazing 4th grade teacher. Of the many things she taught me, one was that fossil fuels were the remains of dinasour bones. Little did my teacher realize the error of her ways. Fossil fuel is primarily comprised of ancient algae (YEP, PLANTS!). So any product made from fossil fuels, is made of……


Now, don’t get me wrong; I am not advocating the use of fossil fuels. Quite to the contrary, it is imperitive that we get away from the use of the ancient plants as quickly as possible. These plants have sequestered carbon for millions of years. Carbon that if released into our atmosphere could cause irrepairable damage.

What I am advocating is to educate properly, get rid of the fluff and marketing and call things as they are. The source is not the issue, it is the environmental impact of the source that is the issue. Perhaps we need to identify plastics as “sustainable” or “not sustainable” and leave it at that. Because you either are or your not, it’s that simple.

ENSO Plastics Brings Legitimacy to a Young Market

We all know that the biodegradable plastics industry is just in its infancy.  What many might not be aware of is all of the “back end” work that ENSO has been doing for the market.  ENSO Plastics is doing many things to provide value to the plastics industry as it applies to the environment.  Offering solutions for plastic to serve its useful life, and once disposed of be valuable both as recycled material and within landfill environments, is part of the big picture.  ENSO also provides market value and legitimacy in ways unlike typical corporate organizations and much more as a not for profit, or NGO.

ENSO has an environmental mission that remains pure throughout our business activity.  Part of the mission requires us to honestly look at the REAL impacts of our activity and integrate REAL solutions.  We realize the need to foster legitimacy in our industry that will be of benefit to not only our customers; but to the market as a whole, and even our competitors.  We believe that just “slinging” product for the sake of profit is not being a responsible steward of our environment, and is culturally at odds with the way we feel here at ENSO.  We are in this to change the way the plastics industry and consumers alike view and treat plastic.

In creating this monumental change in such a vast industry, like plastic, there is a massive amount of education and legitimate data that needs to be presented.  Unfortunately, there is the fact that traditional business is done with the idea that competition does not want anyone else to succeed.  Because of this dynamic new industry and its complexities, ENSO is doing things non-traditionally and has seen the needs of the market and responded appropriately.

We have brought together the world’s top experts in different fields of science to bring the most compelling and comprehensive data collecting to help foster the growth of this particular industry, and to bring value to brands and manufacturing all the way to the end consumer.  All in an effort to further the knowledge and acceptance of what we consider to be a “turn in the traditional plastics market”.  Bringing together top polymer and engineering scientists like Georgia Tech’s Research Institute (GRTI) Materials Center; as well as the University of North Carolina State, and the Department of Civil, Construction, & Environmental Engineering is only part of the effort ENSO has undergone to develop the understanding and education of our marketplace and its regulating bodies.  Much of this effort is ongoing as this technology is new, and more applications will bring new questions specific to its market.

The important precept ENSO Plastics takes very seriously is that in order to go to market with a product, credible and repeatable scientific data needs to be the foundation of all innovation.  Second to that precept is the need for the innovation itself to be a major positive for the environment.  Without these two keys, a product is only interested in one thing – taking advantage of environmental marketing opportunities with no positive impact on the environment; in other words, GREEN WASHING.

Having the support and “backing” of world class institutions and experts in their fields eliminates these basic concerns; as these entities will not stand for anything other than scientific truth.  The market is full of political and personal manipulation, seeking only to bring certain products to market, while attempting to discredit or eliminate others from the market.  ENSO is set apart from this kind of business model by only seeking credible, non-biased individuals and institutions to work with.  This is a higher standard that state and federal regulators have to appreciate because the industry does not get more knowledgeable, independent and credible than the world’s leading experts.  -Del Andrus

Should Downcycling be considered Recycling?

When it comes to biodegradable plastics many people have something to say. Opinions range from appreciating the biodegradable technology, wanting all plastics to be banned, pushing for re-usable alternatives, being all for recycling, or having some other viewpoint. When it comes down to recycling, are plastics products even recycled?

sorting through plastic at recycling facility

One of the first steps at a recycling facility is the sorting of the items. At this point, plastic is sorted by type. (You can learn more about the different recycling numbers here.) Unfortunately, numerous facilities only process some of these types of plastic so the leftovers are either sold to another facility, or sadly thrown into a landfill. Note : Just because you place something in the recycling bin, don’t assume that it is going to be recycled.

The plastics that were kept by the facility will then be ground up into pieces and melted down. Once the plastic is melted, it is formed into pellets. These pellets, also known as nurdles, can be made into fibers used for  all sorts of clothing, wood products, carpeting, toy stuffing, floor mats and tiles and other similar items.


This process is referred to as  downcycling. When plastics are downcycled the plastic can only be used as something it was not originally used for, and once that life is over it typically ends in incineration or being thrown in a landfill.

recycling incinerator








Thanks for the info




How do you know if it is ENSO?

You might be thinking, Wow this ENSO plastic product not only sounds green but it actually is green! Biodegradable and Recyclable, you will no longer experience guilt because you cannot recycle and your effort to be green has failed because ENSO plastics WILL biodegrade. It is just so simple and natural, the way things should be. The way all plastic products should be.

But what once seemed like an easy decision like running into the store and grabbing the first water bottle you see, now comes with options and requires a second thought. That thought being, which one of these bottles offers the best environmental benefits? The answer is ENSO. Make sure to check for our logo, if it’s not there read the labeling to be sure you’re choosing a Naturally Biodegradable bottle that is also Recyclable. (Not all brands choose to include our logo in their marketing strategy)

For those wanting to make decisions that will nurture our Earth I have compiled a list of brands that use ENSO plastic (not all inclusive). Next time you are in a store look for these brands first! Some of these you probably see quite often and had no idea they were made with ENSO, right? Well now you know, so make the wiser more informed decision and choose products that use ENSO every chance you get. The more consumers are aware and wanting to choose the ENSO option, the more manufacturers will be willing to make a change and go ENSO as well. Lets take control of our waste and get this world on the right track.

  • Redleaf
  • Native Waters
  • Global Garden Friends
  • Northern Chill
  • Culligan
  • Callaway Blue
  • Melwood Springs
  • Sparkle Springs
  • Balance Water
  • AquaMantra
  • Ritual Cleanse
  • Project 7
  • Earth Water
  • Quantum Health Beverage
  • Nordstroms Department Stores
  • Life Ionizers
  • Pacific Caps
  • Texas Rain
  • Highland Premium
  • Ogallala Water
  • McClellan Mountain Spring Water
  • Crystal Falls
  • Green Solutions (PP and PE food storage containers)
  • Oasis Water
  • Natures Purest
  • Clarepak

Reusable Shopping Bags Not Risk Free

The newest fad: The Reusable bag .

Reusable bags are being greatly pushed against the single use plastic bag and people seem to be latching on to the concept. It sounds like a good enough idea, and with all the design options you can really expressive yourself, but is the reusable bag really risk free? Just like many new products there may be some drawbacks that weren’t discovered before becomingso popular and “savior-esque.” The Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science at the University of Arizona and the School of Public Health at Loma Linda University conducted a study called the Assessment of the Potential for Cross Contamination of Food Products by Reusable Shopping Bags. Now I am going to brief you on the results of this study!

So what is “Cross contamination” ?

Cross contamination occurs when disease-causing microorganisms are transferred from one food to another.

The assessment was divided into 3 Phases

1. Determine the occurrence of bacteria and bacteria of health concern in reusable shopping bags
2. Determine the potential for microbial cross-contamination in reusable shopping bags
3. Evaluate and recommend the washing/bleaching procedures necessary to decontaminate reusable shopping bags

They started off by collecting bags from consumers entering grocery stores in the San Francisco Bay area, Los Angeles and Tucson, Arizona. 84 bags total were collected, 25 from LA, 25 from San Francisco and 34 from Tucson. All but 4 of these bags were woven polypropylene (a little softer than polyester which is what a typical plastic bottle is made out of.) Each bag owner was interviewed on bag usage, storage, and cleaning procedures. (4 unused reusable bags were also purchased and tested)


And the Results are in…

Large numbers of bacteria were found in all but 1 bag & coliform bacteria in half.

E-Coli was identified in 12% of the bags & a wide range of enteric bacteria & pathogens.

After meat juices were added to bags & stored in car s for 2 hours, bacteria increased 10-fold.



How to Clean your bags?

Hand or machine washing was found to reduce the bacteria in bags by >99.9%. So if you clean your bag after every separate use, you should be good! (Don’t forget to think of the water and energy that adds up over time)


What were the bag owners habits?

Cleaned bag at home?
97% No
3% Yes

Days bags were used in a Week?
49% 1 day
22% 2 days
18% 3 days
3% 4 days
2% 5 days
3% 6 days
3% 7 days

Bag used Soley for Groceries?
70% Yes
30% No

Other uses of Bag?
57% Other Shopping
19% Clothes
10% Books
9% Snacks
5% Biking Supplies

Separate Bags for Meats & Vegetables?
75% No
25% Yes

Transport in Car?
55% Trunk
45% Backseat

Stored at home?
55% Yes
45% No


As you are learning these bags get pretty filthy and are brought back into stores, which is proven to be not at all sanitary. So if reusable bag users do not make the continuous effort to keep their bags clean maybe this isn’t  the cleanest solution to the single-use plastic bag problem, why not explore another option like using Earth friendly  biodegradable and recyclable plastic instead, Like ENSO?

Take a few min to read the rest of the assessment it’s definitely worth your time!



How do You Know if your plastic is ENSO?

How do you know if it’s ENSO??


You might be thinking, Wow this ENSO plastic product not only sounds green but it actually is green! Biodegradable and Recyclable, you will no longer experience guilt because you cannot recycle and your effort to be green has failed because ENSO plastics WILL biodegrade. It is just so simple and natural, the way things should be. The way all plastic products should be.

But what once seemed like an easy decision like running into the store and grabbing the first water bottle you see, now comes with options and requires a second thought. That thought being, which one of these bottles offers the best environmental benefits? The answer is ENSO. Make sure to check for our logo, if it’s not there read the labeling to be sure you’re choosing a Naturally Biodegradable bottle that is also Recyclable. (Not all brands choose to include our logo in their marketing strategy)

For those wanting to make decisions that will nurture our Earth I have compiled a list of some of the brands that use ENSO plastic (not all inclusive). Next time you are in a store look for these brands ! Some of these you probably see quite often and had no idea they were made with ENSO, right? Well now you know, so make the wiser more informed decision and choose products that use ENSO every chance you get. The more consumers are aware and wanting to choose the ENSO option, the more manufacturers will be willing to make a change and go ENSO as well. Lets take control of our waste and get this world on the right track.

Native Waters
Global Garden Friends
Northern Chill
Callaway Blue
Melwood Springs
Sparkle Springs
Balance Water
Ritual Cleanse
Project 7
Earth Water
Quantum Health Beverage
Nordstroms Department Stores
Life Ionizers
Pacific Caps
Texas Rain
Highland Premium
Ogallala Water
McClellan Mountain Spring Water
Crystal Falls
Green Solutions (PP and PE food storage containers)
Oasis Water
Natures Purest

The Diaper Guide: Disposable, Cloth, Biodegradable or the G-Diaper?

I have seen many articles on the internet about all these different diaper options and it can get very confusing. Whether you are exploring your options for environmental reasons, financial, health concerns, or just want the cutest diapers for your baby you will find the unbiased information you deserve, here.


The Eco Side of Each Diaper

  • disposable baby diaperDisposable diapers can take 500+ years to biodegrade in a landfill. In 2-3 years 1 child can go through 8000-10000 disposable diapers.




  • cloth diaperCloth Diapers, depending on the company you get them from can be designed with earth friendly materials.  Cloth diapers are made to be reused and that is a good thing because it results in less waste. Of course the water and energy used to clean the diapers is a downside of cloth diapers. However there are many cloth diaper washing services specifically created to clean these diapers as efficiently as possible.



  • g diaper light blueG-Diapers were designed with the cradle to cradle concept meaning that what goes into the product will return to the eco system in a beneficial or neutral way. Waste then becomes a resource. Gdiapers have 2 options, 100% Biodegradable refills or reusable cloths. With the refills you can place them in a home compost (urine only refills), toss, or flush the biodegradable refills (break down in 50-150 days. The Gpants themselves are reusable and can last as long as you want them too, just like cloth diapers.


  • BiodNatures babycare biodegradable compostable diaperegradable diapers are disposable diapers made with PLA plastic. The name biodegradable makes it seem like you can throw them in the trash and they will biodegrade in a landfill but because of the lack of oxygen, this would take a very long time to occur. Biodegradable diapers are compostable in industrial compost, so if you unable to send these diapers to a industrial compost, you are only getting other benefits that the diapers may offer depending on the brand such as (lack of chemical(s) used)


Comparing the prices

  • Disposable diapers can run from 1,500 – 3,000 dollars depending on the brand and how long your child will wear the diapers.
  • Cloth diapers can run from 700 – 1,900+ dollars (depending on style, this is including laundry costs) (ex. 6 reusable inserts can run at $30) After doing much research, lots of people that use cloth diapers have commented about needed to use disposables for trips and at night time because of potential accidents, this is something to keep in mind in costs.
  • G-Diapers, at Target you can get refill inserts for $52/128 inserts.Also at Target you can get 6 reusable Gpants for 80 dollars. On the Gdiaper website they have all of their products listed with prices.
  • Biodegradable disposable Diapers will run you the same costs of regular disposable diapers, 1,500-3,000 dollars, depending on how long your child will wear the diapers and what brand you choose.


Health Effects

  • Disposable diapers are made with plastic and can contribute to diaper rash and irritation. These diapers also keep babies from feeling wetness so it can take longer for a child to understand what is happening when they are using the bathroom. It has been shown that it can take longer for children brought up on disposable diapers to be potty trained, but of course situations vary  and so do children.
  • Cloth diapers, depending on how they are washed can also cause irritation, but it is usually because of the soap that is used in cleansing. These diapers can contribute to children becoming potty-trained sooner because they are much more breathable and this allows a child feel wetness. Bumgenius is a popular stop for cloth diapers made with earth friendly materials that are less likely to irritate your childs skin.
  • Biodegradable diapers. The most popular, Natures baby care diapers are 100% chlorine free, 100% GM.
  • G-Diapers Biodegradable gRefills are made of a water-resistant breathable outer material made of all natural fiber. The inner material is an elemental chlorine free tree-farmed fluff pulp and Super Absorbing Polyacrylate, an absorbent core that keeps bottoms dry. gRefills  and 100% biodegradable. gPants are made out of cotton, with a hint of elastene for stretch. gPant pouches are made of breathable polyurethane-coated nylon, similar to what’s used in sports clothing. Pouches are breathable which means babies bottoms stay cool and diaper rash is kept at bay.gCloth inserts are made from four layers of soft microfleece and hemp/cotton. There should be little to know irritation with these diapers.

Ease of Use?

  • Disposable diapers are quick and easy. Take one off, put one on, throw the used one away and you’re done. They are good for night time wear and travel.
  • Cloth Diapers, depending on which system you use can be simple or take a few more steps. If you have a cleaning service, it takes some steps out for you, if not you need to make sure that you have a special spot for dirty cloths and that you clean them within a day or two. If you are using refills that can be thrown away/flushes/composted you just have to focus on keeping the shell of the diaper clean. If you have a system going they can work for night time and travel but it will require more attention than a single use diaper.
  • Biodegradable diapers are just like disposables, quick and easy. Take one off, put one on, throw the used one away and you’re done. They are good for night time wear and travel.
  • G-diapers , if you are using disposable refills are quite easy, same number of steps as using a disposable. If the gpant gets wet of course you will need to place it in a bin to be cleaned and use a fresh one. If you are using the reusable cloths you will need to make sure they are cleaned within a day or two.If you hiring a cleaning service for cloths gdiapers are very simple, if you use refills, they are still very simple. These diapers have a lot of leak free structure so they are ok for night time wear and traveling.




Natures Babycare